Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
203 Avery Hall, PO BOX 880130, Lincoln NE 68588, USA
Office: AVH328
Email: xperez at
unl dot
Phone: +1 402-472-3731
Fax: +1 402-472-8466
Research interests
- Probabilistic methods in combinatorics
- Random structures
- Graph theory
- Asymptotic enumeration
- Discrete probability
- Algorithms
Selected publications
(Click here for a full list of publications.)
(See also Google Scholar,
- Perfect matchings and Hamiltonian cycles in the preferential attachment model
(with A. Frieze, P. Prałat and B. Reiniger)
Random Structures & Algorithms, 54(2):258-288, 2019.
- Arboricity and spanning-tree packing
in random graphs
(with P. Gao and C.M. Sato)
Random Structures & Algorithms, 52(3):495-535, 2018.
- Asymptotic enumeration of strongly connected digraphs by vertices and
(with N. Wormald)
Random Structures & Algorithms, 43(1):80-114, 2013.
- Disjoint Hamilton cycles in the random geometric graph
(with T. Müller and N. Wormald)
Journal of Graph Theory, 68(4):299-322, 2011.
- On the chromatic number of random d-regular graphs
(with G. Kemkes and N. Wormald)
Advances in Mathematics, 223(1):300-328, 2010.
Slides of recent talks
Workshops organized
- Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics. June 2021, online
(GRWC 2021)
- AMS Sectional Meeting, SS on "Random Discrete Structures". October 2020, online
Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics. May 2020, Minneapolis MN
(cancelled due to Covid-19)
AMS Sectional Meeting, SS on "Random Discrete Structures". March 2020, Medford MA
(cancelled due to Covid-19)
- Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics. June 2019, Lawrence KS
(GRWC 2019)
- AMS Sectional Meeting, SS on "Random Discrete Structures". March 2019, Auburn AL
- AMS Sectional Meeting, SS on "Random Discrete Structures". April 2018, Nashville TN
- Workshop on "Random Geometric Graphs and Their Applications to Complex Networks". November 2016, Banff (Canada).
(BIRS 16w5095)
Students & postdocs
Recent teaching
Math310 - Introduction to Modern Algebra (Spring 2021) -
class pictures 1
and 2
Math452 - Graph Theory (Fall 2020) -
Math310 - Introduction to Modern Algebra (Fall 2020) -
Math852 - Discrete Mathematics II (Spring 2020) -
class picture
Math314 - Linear Algebra (Spring 2020) -
class picture
Math850 - Discrete Mathematics I (Fall 2019) -
class picture
Math487/887 - Probability (Fall 2019) -
class picture
Math314 - Linear Algebra (Spring 2019) -
class picture
Math958 - Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics (Fall 2018)
Math314 - Linear Algebra (Fall 2018)
Math852 - Discrete Mathematics II (Spring 2018)
Math850 - Discrete Mathematics I (Fall 2017)
Math208 - Calculus III (Fall 2017)
Math 221 - Differential Equations (Spring 2017)
Math 221 - Differential Equations (Fall 2016)
Math 221H - Honors Differential Equations (Fall 2016)
Other stuff i like
(Last updated July 2021)